Soul [Film Review]


Soul was a beautifully written animated film, following the life of an aspiring jazz musician who landed a full time job as a music teacher, whilst desperately seeking the unpredictable world of the jazz club. When he found himself as an embodied soul on the ladder up to the end of life, he realised that his life can’t be over – not now, not when he had caught the attention of a well-known jazz musician and had a chance to play alongside them, not when he had a slight chance at achieving his lifelong dream. It’s only when he met 22 – a pre-life soul who couldn’t seem to find her final trait to make it to earth – that he began to realise what life really means, and what it means to truly live it.

My Thoughts

From the very start, Soul is an immersive journey. The ethereal nature of the world created, alongside the characters full of wit and personality, make it a unique film that highlights questions about how we as humans come into being – how souls are nourished, sent to earth, and leave our bodies. Whilst it may not be something everyone believes in, it’s certainly an interesting concept to think about.

As a lover of music, I deeply connected to this film – the fact that I love and really admire jazz, the main character played the same instrument as me – piano, and the philosophical aspect of souls entering “the zone” when they are deeply enthused in something, such as playing a musical instrument. But the overall message of the film was really empowering and is what made me really step back and see how significant this film is in helping anyone see the simple beauty in their own life – what has always been sitting right in front of them.

*spoilers ahead*

When 22 entered Joe’s body, she’d never been a human before. She saw the world in a way that was fresh, new, childlike and wonderful. Joe said to her “you only enjoyed life because you were in MY body” and yet when he returned to his body he realised that it wasn’t the same, and that achieving his dream didn’t feel how he thought it would – as it often does when we chase a success thinking it will fill our sense of purpose, but the purpose is in the journey and life itself.

22 didn’t enjoy life because she was in Joe’s body; she enjoyed life because she looked at it, lived in it, and saw it for more than what it was. She noticed the little leaf that fell from the tree; she appreciated the yarn that went into fixing the suit; she demolished a pizza slice like it’s the first and only slice she’d ever had. She appreciated what a lot of us overlook in our everyday life because we’re too wrapped up in what we think are bigger problems and bigger priorities. And THAT’S what made the soul alive.

Joe having this significant realisation at the end of the film was a really huge moment – it’s something I deeply resonated with. I had a similar mind transformation when undergoing a difficult time in my life, one where I found my mindset inextricably shift from that of a negative and passive view on life to a perspective that life is meaningful only because we make it so, only because we wake up and choose to appreciate and be grateful for the small things. And seeing something so personal animated before me felt really emotional but also so happy that so many people can likewise get a glimpse of what it feels like to see your life in a different light, from the other side of the pavement, from the soul that shines gently on the corner of the street and says “Hey, it’s time to live.”

Have you seen Soul?

Let me know what you thought of it in the comments below.

5 Tips For Starting A New Job

Starting a new job can feel daunting. Even after going through an interview process and researching the company as much possible, there’s still no real way to know how you will feel until you step through those doors and get stuck into it.

Over the last year, I’ve started 2 new jobs since graduating and it’s really made me think about what kind of mindset is most successful when going into a new working environment. These tips are aimed mostly at those that are just starting out in their career, but I hope it will be relevant/helpful for anyone of any age too.

Embrace Criticism

When I started my first job after graduating, I wanted everything to be perfect. It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending hours creating a flawless piece of content, but that’s unrealistic and time doesn’t always allow for it. The truth is that when you’re starting something new, it’s inevitable you will make mistakes. We all have to learn to receive feedback and, most importantly, act on it. So if you feel like you’re a little vulnerable to criticism, practice building a harder outer shell before landing a job, because people will always input opinions on how you can do something differently – they’re not attacking you as a person; they want to help you and support your professional growth.

Ask LOTS Of Questions

This is something I found a little more difficult when starting new jobs. I always feel like I’m bothering people if I ask too many questions, but in fact it’s the only way to learn and to fully understand the role and what is expected of you. It doesn’t mean you’re incapable if you’re asking for help – it just means you are willing to learn the right way of doing things. And if you stay quiet, how is there any room for improvement?

Have Confidence In Your Ability

I would bet that this is one of the defining factors when it comes to job interviews. If you don’t believe you can do it, then those around you won’t believe it either. I’ve struggled, especially during remote working, with doubting my ability and questioning the value I give to a company – it’s easy to do when you’re so far removed from the people you are working with. It felt like I hadn’t fully integrated into the working world yet, but I’m finding that being in the office is helping a lot more with that.

Have faith in what you can do and believe you are capable of doing great things. You may not be great at everything and you may not have the same qualities as the colleagues around you, but that’s why you were hired – because your unique qualities are needed. We all worry sometimes that we’re not doing something well, but remember to back yourself, always.

Speak To Everyone (If You Can!)

When entering a company as a newbie, you may feel like a bit of an outsider, but the more people you speak with, the easier it is to integrate. From a working perspective, it can be useful to chat to all the managers and directors of different areas of the company when you first join, such as Sales, Marketing, HR. They can give you an overview of what they and their team do, which gives you a great all-rounded view of how everything slots together to deliver the end result. Plus, you never know when you’ll need to collaborate on a future project!

Don’t Forget To Have Fun!

Getting a new job and integrating yourself within a new company is always going to involve hard work, but don’t forget to enjoy it too! The average human spends 35 hours a week at work, so make the most of it. There’s always going to be elements of a job that you find tricky or don’t particularly like, but treasure those parts that you really feel passionate and excited about, because those are the parts that make it worthwhile.

I hope you found this post useful if you’re starting a new job, or can relate to some of these points based on past experiences.

What would be your No.1 piece of advice for starting a new job?

Let me know in the comments below.

5 Things I’m Grateful For This July (2021)

It may be a few days into August, but it’s never too late to look back on the previous month and think about what went well and what I really appreciated.

I’d love to hear what you’re feeling grateful for too, so feel free to share in the comments

Going Into The Work Office

Despite having started my job 6 months ago, I only properly went into the office to meet everyone and get my allocated desk this month! It was a really strange experience – one that I’m sure many others who have started jobs in the pandemic have faced – but I really enjoyed being there in person and it felt like everything sort of came together in my head in terms of work and people and getting that exposure to other areas of the business. Next month, I’ll be in the office full time and I’m looking forward to seeing how it all goes! [update: I’m really enjoying it and much prefer it to remote working!]

Time Away From My Phone

Now that we can make more plans to see people in the UK, I’ve really enjoyed getting out and about, from meeting friends for lunch or going out of my comfort zone to try clay pigeon shooting. It’s meant that I haven’t really felt the need to use my phone as much, because I’ve loved being in the present moment and appreciating the moment and company, rather than directing my energy towards the online world. It has, of course, meant I’ve fallen a little behind on blogging again, but I’m glad I haven’t let that stress me out. Sometimes you just have to go with the flow and I know I’ll always fall back here when I do have a moment to write.

Welcoming A Hedgehog Family To Our Garden!

Earlier this month, we were sitting around just living life when suddenly we spotted a hedgehog in our garden. We’d never seen one previously, so it was a bit of a shock, but so lovely to see it scrambling about amongst the plants! It kept appearing at random times during the day, like at midday or 10 at night. Then, one evening, we realised it had a little baby trailing after it, and there was another adult hedgehog too, so now we have 3! It’s funny how such small, little creatures like this can bring a lot of unexpected joy and excitement, and it’s been really fun spotting them at any given opportunity. Next mission it to try and give them some hedgehog food!

Going To A Baking Class

This month I finally used my Christmas voucher to go to a baking class! Since starting a new job and lockdown easing, I haven’t given much time to cooking/baking outside of evening meals, so it was really nice to have dedicated time towards it. I could suggest 2 options to bake, so I thought I’d pick something a little different to what I’ve made before. The first was chocolate eclairs, because they’re one of my favourite desserts. The second was cinnamon buns. It was a really enjoyable day and so nice to take so many baked goods home! I’m really grateful for such a great Christmas present and that the lady who ran the class put together those personalised recipes for us to make. I’m looking forward to making them again.

Treated Myself To Some New Books!

Although I’ve definitely done less reading this month than usual, since things have been busier, I did treat myself to some new books using my Waterstones voucher which is always exciting. I bought Becoming by Michelle Obama, as I’ve heard many great things about it, but this one was bought on more of a whim, which is sometimes the best way! I also got The Courage to be Disliked, which is set out like a play as it is an interesting philosophical discussion. I don’t normally buy hardbacks, but my favourite author Matt Haig released his new book The Comfort Book, so I decided to go for it and buy the signed hardback edition of that too, which I totally don’t regret because I’m reading a page or two every morning and it’s great inspiration and motivation for the day ahead.

What are you grateful for this month?

Let me know in the comments below.

Is It Possible To Always Be Kind To Yourself? [Insightful Discussions #1]

This is the first post of mine and Niraj’s Insightful Discussions blog series, where we will blog on interesting discussion questions! In this blog post we will talk about whether it is possible to always be kind to yourself, which is a common discussion topic when approaching mental health.

When describing the concept of kindness, there is no concrete definition – it will mean different things to different people. For some people, it means not judging themselves for not being perfect, for other people it means being their own cheerleader. For some, it could simply involve being kind to others. The most important thing is that you find your own way to be kind to yourself.

There are plenty of reasons why we should be kind to ourselves. These include boosting our wellbeing or helping us through stressful events, such as a breakup or rejection. However, sometimes we can be unkind to ourselves too, such as forgoing our relaxing time when facing busy schedules. Therefore, is it unrealistic to ALWAYS aim to be kind to ourselves? It’s in our human nature to question, to be curious as well as to doubt ourselves, because we all want to be the best we can be. However, we both believe that we can all take crucial steps everyday to make sure we are kind to both ourselves and others, because there is never an endpoint to finding new ways of improving upon the way we see/feel about ourselves.

Ultimately, whether we are kind or unkind to ourselves is dependent on our mindset and our thinking. Similar to external habits, our mind creates habits too. We can get stuck in rotational thinking processes (whether positive or negative) and this can determine the way we show up and experience the world. As a result, if we’re used to tearing ourselves down over small mistakes, questioning our self-worth, or any version of being unkind to ourselves, we are more likely to continue doing so because it’s ingrained in our system. But how much control do we have over this? Can we not adapt the way we react to these thoughts and try to reframe them?

The truth is that, like anything, learning to be kind to yourself is a journey. If it doesn’t come easily to you, or you’re stuck in a negative thinking cycle, then it will take work, but it’s entirely possible to improve upon the way you see and feel about yourself. Whether you start practicing positive affirmations, replacing bad thoughts with good ones, or setting aside time each day to focus on your wellbeing, it all makes a difference. 

We personally believe that being truly kind to ourselves is acknowledging those days when we don’t feel great and our mind seeps back to a negative space, and accepting it for what it is. Our mind isn’t a perfect place – it doesn’t always have positive thoughts – but it’s how we react that matters.

Do you think you are kind enough to yourself?

And if so, what strategies help you do so?

Let us know in the comments below.

Reading Books: Expectation Vs Reality

What makes you pick up a book? Is it the cover? A recommendation? Or do you pick up a random one and give it a shot?

Books have become so much more than just the writing itself. Once you’ve started it, that’s all that matters, but before that there are so many other considerations that take place, whether we’re aware of it or not.

People always say, in marketing and advertising, that you often have to see something 7 times before you think about buying into it. Have you perhaps unconsciously bought a book because you’ve seen it so many times it just makes sense to give it a go? Or maybe you are more easily convinced, by simply a cover or a friend’s recommendation.

I’d like to share my thoughts on the book buying process and what leads me to eventually pick up a book – perhaps some of you can relate!

How Beautiful Is The Book?

If I said I’d never bought a book just because I loved the cover, I’d be lying…

There are some really well designed book covers out there, and the publishers know exactly what they’re doing – drawing in those who appreciate the visual and aesthetic side of reading. Because having something that reads well and looks good on your bookshelf is the best of both worlds, right? The problem is, they sometimes aren’t a very good read at all…

I’ve fallen into this trap many times before, and I still fall into it time and time again. The irony is that I never end up keeping the book even if it does have a beautiful cover, because what’s the point if I’m not going to read it again?

4 Star Rating? Let’s do it!

If you’re also an avid reader, you’ve likely got Goodreads, and you’ve also likely spend hours scrolling through, exploring books, sorting through ratings and reviews. I definitely have.

However, sometimes I place a little too much trust in Goodreads ratings. I see a rare 4 star rating and I think, this has to be a good book. And it is a good book, for majority of people. But sometimes it’s easy to forget that you won’t necessarily fall into that majority too!

There aren’t many 4 star books I’ve read and felt hugely disappointed, but I have read a couple and thought: I’m not sure I really understand what everyone else is seeing here. But that’s the beauty of art – we all see something different in it. If anything, we look for parts of ourselves within it. And it’s natural to not feel connected to every book, in the same way that we wouldn’t feel connected to every person we meet either.

“You HAVE To Read This”

We’ve all had the classic recommendation from a friend or family member, or maybe even from a stranger, where they claim they have the perfect book for you. Do you believe them? Can you trust their book taste? Is it worth the shot or will it just lead to an awkward conversation of “It was good, buuuut…”

I never know whether to follow up on recommendations, so often I head back to good old Goodreads and see what everyone else is saying about it too. The more opinions, the better, right?

However, I think every now and again it’s good to step outside of your comfort zone and try a completely different book to your usual read. I can’t say I’ve had much success with this yet (*cough cough* horror that wasn’t scary *cough cough* confusing sci-fi that made no sense). But, I’m still willing to give it a shot.

Do you relate to any of the above?

Why do you think the reality of a book is often so different to the initial expectation?

I’d love to know what you think below.

How To Live More In The Present Moment [The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle]

Over the last couple years, as I’ve taken an interest in self-development, I’ve been drilling into the areas of my life where I can improve and grow. One of these is my instinct to live inside my head. As many writers likely do, I have an imaginative and overactive brain, so it’s constantly whirring with thoughts. Sometimes it’s hard for me to focus on what is happening in the here and now because of it. I’m physically walking or cooking or brushing my teeth but my thoughts are way off in another place, thinking about other things.

I think it’s a natural human instinct to be like this – we all do it. We all enter autopilot when we are doing something we can almost do off by heart. But that doesn’t make it healthy or good for us. Being mindful of the things we are doing helps us be mindful of our place in the world and how we act within it.

Since I know this is an area I need to improve, I’ve recently started reading The Power Of Now, which is a self-development book all about learning to live in the present moment. It has some really fascinating and enlightening insights into how paying attention to the wandering mind and the emotions inside of us help us reach a sense of peace and acceptance. When we are in conflict with what is going on in our minds and our bodies, this is when issues and illnesses begin to creep up on us.

But, most of all, this book talks about the leaving behind of the past and the future.

Eckhart Tolle says:

“All negativity is caused by an accumulation of psychological time and denial of the present.”

Psychological time is essentially “made up time”. It’s when our minds start thinking back to past scenarios and future possibilities. It’s when we lose sight of what’s happening right in front of us, because we’re too busy dwelling on what has been or what could be. Of course, psychological time is necessary for many situations, from planning ahead for holidays or creating personal and work goals. The past is often helpful for us to learn from our mistakes. However, when we start living in this psychological time for no logical reason – perhaps we are overthinking or daydreaming – then we are denying the Now (the present moment). And if we are denying the Now, then it is as if we are telling our body that we don’t want to exist in this moment.

When I read this part of the book, it was such a fascinating insight for me, and it made a whole lot of sense. If we are living in the present moment, of course we will have no worries or stresses, because only this moment, right here and now, matters. Anything else going on in our brain doesn’t exist. We’ve conjured it up for no reason. And it’s harming us in the process.

When I think back to moments in my life that I’ve felt the most happy, they all involved me being fully present in the moment. I wasn’t scrolling through my phone, I wasn’t thinking about the future or what has been, I was really enjoying the here and now. And I noticed that these moments always occur when I’m around other people. Why? Probably because I’m not alone letting all my thoughts take over my brain. To replicate these moments in solitude doesn’t come as naturally, as I’m sure it doesn’t to most people, since our minds are always loudest when we are quiet, but it is something I am slowly progressing on.

The feeling I get when on holiday, of detaching myself from any everyday worries, is always such a calm feeling. That’s when the power of now has the most power within me. But what if we, as humans, could detach from this without changing our exterior surroundings?

I think there are everyday habits all of us can implement to help us get out of our own minds and focus on the present in order to overcome any unnecessary stress. For me, I’ve found that yoga has been the most beneficial. I’m focusing on my breathing and the poses so much that I’m tuned out from the world. The same occurs when I’m learning something new, like a new recipe or a new song on the piano. If we can enter a state of “Flow” in our lives, in whatever form that may be, we will find some sense of release, because we are in a continual stream of focus on a task, everything left behind as we conjure up something new and exciting and real and revelationary.

What do you do to help you live in the present moment?

Have you read The Power of Now too?

Let me know in the comments below!

Gratitude In A Crisis [Guest Post by The Autistic Panda]

This week I’d like to share a guest post by my friend The Autistic Panda! We’ve been friends for such a long time, since we were 13, and she was the person who initially convinced me to create my blog, so I’m super grateful for her friendship.

And, on the topic of gratitude, she’s here to share her personal thoughts on how gratitude has helped her deal with depression and low moments in her life. I think it’s a really inspiring post and I can’t wait for everyone to read it.

Plus, don’t forget to check out her blog over here and give her a follow 🙂

I’ve suffered with depression for a long time and it is hard to get those negative thoughts out of my mind. I’ve often felt like I’m hanging by a thread in my life, but someone is always there to remind me about the good that surrounds me, and I thought I’d share some ways I’ve learned to appreciate my life.

It took a while to open up to the idea of gratitude at first because, when you’re depressed, nothing seems to make sense. But eventually, I realised that there are some positive parts of my life and I always cling to that positivity when I’m deeply sad.

I have an amazing mum, who cherishes me and I am so grateful to her. I have pets, who need me to be there for them. I am grateful for the many licks they give me, the many times they remind me to stay alive, even if they don’t realise it. I have a future, even if it seems bleak when I’m in the depths of depression. That future is vast and beautiful, even if I don’t see it right now. I just want to remind you that you have a future too, even if you can’t see it. We all do.

I am grateful for existence itself, as the gift of life has allowed me to meet many amazing people, animals, and explore interesting places. Whilst sometimes I hate the very thought of existing, I have realised lately just how cool it is. To be alive, right now, in this tiny span of time, is pretty awesome in my opinion. We may be specks of dust in comparison to the universe, but we have the power of imagination and creativity. That allows me to feel like I’m more than a speck of dust, I’m a galaxy, and you are too. Our own bodies are so interesting and unique, it is almost like we are our own galaxy.

Remembering the good things in life allows me to realise that I have a reason for existing. I have a purpose, even if I do not see it. That purpose is lost in the planet that is my brain; it is just one small atom amongst billions, but it is there, and it is just as important as the other atoms. You have to do a bit of searching, looking through a telescope, but you will find that purpose. Just you wait. You’re important, for you build up the universe just as much as anyone else. The universe would be boring without you.

Gratitude is just one of the ways I keep myself alive when I’m feeling like I don’t want to be, but it certainly helps. When you feel like everyone hates you, and that no one wants you there, it is easy to forget that your mind is a mischievous place. It sets up traps, trying to lure you into the darkness, but you can remember what’s real. Stay grounded. Remembering all the things people have actually said to me, rather than what my mind told me they’d say, makes me realise that they do care, and I’m grateful for that. No one is any more important than you; our value is the same. Forget what you’ve told yourself and remember what’s good in life, however small, because small things do matter. Whenever you think you’re small and don’t matter, remember that I said you do. You matter a lot, just like how bees are small, yet their role in the world is so vital. Your role in the world is vital too. I’m grateful that you exist.

Thank you so much for reading this,

The Autistic Panda

I hope you enjoyed reading this guest post from The Autistic Panda and that it added some positivity to your day.

What strategy do you use to help you overcome your low moments?

Let’s share some wellbeing tips in the comments below.

5 Things I’m Grateful For This May and June (2021)

Since I didn’t get around to writing a gratitude post for May, I’ve decided to combine the last 2 months!

As always, feel free to share what you’re grateful for this month in the comments below too.

Appreciating Nature

Over the last couple months, I’ve spent a lot more time outside as the weather has got nicer and lockdown has slowly been eased. From coastal Cornwall walks, to walking home in the rain (with a wet pizza box!), to relaxing in the garden in the sun, I’ve really enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and making the most of my time away from screens. Nature has such a great impact on wellbeing and is one of my favourite ways to reset the mind, which leads onto my next point…

Taking A Break Away

In mid May, I took the first holiday I’ve taken in such a long time (due to covid) and travelled to Cornwall with my cousin! After spending so much time repeating the same everyday routine, in the same location, this trip was so beneficial for resetting my mind and rethinking my everyday habits, including starting my bedtime routine earlier to get my sleeping back on track. I’m grateful that we managed to get away when we did and that we had such a great time!

Driving Again

This month I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone to drive again after 3 and a half years. I booked a refresher lesson to get back into the swing of things and to practice roundabouts, parking etc. and then took a test drive of a car I might be interested in buying. It’s been a lot of organising and figuring things out (especially since I don’t know all that much about cars!) but I’m grateful for the progress I’ve made, and hope this will continue into the following couple months.

Joining Concert Band!

It’s been a year and a half since I’ve played clarinet in any sort of band/orchestra, but this month things have opened up and I’ve joined my local concert band! It felt so good to start playing surrounded by other musicians, and it was a great way to push myself out of my comfort zone and meet new people. I really enjoyed the mix of music, as it was very similar to that which I played at university, and I’m looking forward to starting on the new pieces next week!

Getting Back Into Blogging

In May I took a break from blogging as I just didn’t feel as inspired to post and share my thoughts, however June has been a really great month for blogging which I’m really happy about! I worked on this friendship blog collaboration with Niraj and I’ve got some more in the works too! I missed the feeling you get when you sit down and just pour your heart into something because you really have something to say, not just because you feel like you have to. And that’s a purpose I always want to have when blogging – I never want it to feel like a chore. I’m glad I reclaimed some of that inspiring feeling this month.

What are you grateful for this month?

Feel free to share in the comments below!

Nomadland [Film Review]

Nomadland isn’t the usual film I would go to watch, but snapping up Best Picture, Best Directing and Best Actress in the Oscars had me wanting to find out just how good this movie really was!


Following the life of a sixty-year old Nomad called Fern as she travels across the American West, Nomadland is a story of loss, exploration, strength and community. Life isn’t so grand but the road stretches further than anyone can imagine, and Fern meets so many like-minded souls along the way. But is it a journey of living or merely a journey of survival?

My Thoughts

Nomadland is one of those films that quietly sneaks up on you. There’s no action-packed drama, no clear-cut themes, no, well, plot I guess. One could argue that nothing much really happens. However, if anything I think that’s what makes this film so powerful.

I always find books and films really fascinating when they show life from the perspective of someone living a life so different to my own. We become so entranced by our own lives sometimes that we forget that not everyone lives in the same way. I’ll admit it – I’d never really considered the lives of Nomads before seeing this film. It’s easy to look in from the outside and question why someone would want to do such a thing, but this film really touched upon the motives of Nomads and the reasons why they chose this lifestyle for themselves, from grieving losses, to leaving the world of work behind, to embracing the minimalistic lifestyle.

The film felt like a documentary pooled with so many honest stories and, in a way, it was. The director sought out real-life Nomads to feature in the film and you can feel their authenticity through the screen – the close-up shots of their faces when sharing vulnerable moments makes for a very intimate atmosphere where you can truly connect to these people. Whilst their lives are so different, isn’t what we have at our core the same?

The more I watched the more I began to realise what was perhaps so attractive about the Nomad lifestyle – its sense of community. Everywhere they’d go, they’d meet someone along the road. Sometimes even the same person twice. It makes you think: Is community all that really matters? Do we need all the stuff we own? Does it amount to anything?

Paired with the beautiful music of Ludovico Einaudi – my favourite pianist – this film felt as immersive as it needed to be to drive home the feeling of pure freedom and weightlessness on the road. To me, the overall message was that there is never a goodbye, even when leaving a place; there is only a “see you down the road.” Connections and the people you meet – those are what last a lifetime, no matter where you go.

Have you seen Nomadland?

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Let me know in the comments below!

How Niraj And I Became Friends Through Blogging! [Blog Collab]

Today’s post is going to be a little different from usual, as I’ve been working on a blog collab with Niraj from Niraj’s Blogs!

When I first started blogging years ago, I was initially drawn to the friendliness of the community, but I didn’t expect to make genuine friendships through it at all. A while back, just after we’d graduated, Niraj sent me a spontaneous email and we got chatting about blogging and university. Since then, we’ve met up in London a couple times and become really good friends, continuing to share our blogging goals and life goals too. We thought this post would be a great way to share how blogging played a huge part in our friendship, and the power of the lovely WordPress community too!

As a heads up: this post was written between the two of us, so you can find the exact same one over on Niraj’s blog, which you should go check out over here!

We first spoke in about July time last year, just after we both finished our university degrees. We were both already familiar with each other’s blogs, having read them beforehand, so that was a good starting point for our discussions.

As expected, we initially bonded over our common interest in blogging. It’s not something a lot of people have as a hobby, so we really enjoyed sharing our passion for blogging with someone just as enthusiastic. Although we both write on completely different topics, and have different goals for ourselves, blogging is something we both really care about and it was so motivating and inspiring to be able to share our blog ideas and goals with one another. Naturally, this helped us both with our confidence in our writing too.

However, what became apparent from very early on was that although the blogging conversations would continue, we also began to talk about other things such as our university experiences. This led to us both becoming friends where we could confide in one another about our worries, rather than just talking about blogging. As a result, we began supporting each other not only in blogging, but in our individual journeys of self-development too.

When we realised we both lived in the South East, we decided to meet up in Central London, once in October of last year, and once in April of this year. Both times we explored different places in Central London, such as Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and Tower Bridge. We enjoyed embracing a change of environment and escaping our everyday routines, especially during the times of remote working and staying at home.

Since we both have a growth mindset and enjoy reflecting on things, meeting up in Central London, where there is a lot of nature and good views gave us the perfect chance to catch up and reflect on how things have gone. Whilst nature gives that element of space to breathe and sit in the air of your own thoughts, equally having someone there to listen and support is just as crucial. These moments certainly helped strengthen our friendship, as face to face interaction makes it easier to open up to each other and beats video call any day!

Overall, blogging is a continuous journey and you never know what is around the corner or who you’ll meet along the way. Perhaps you can relate to finding an unexpected friendship, or meeting your blogger friend in person for the first time. It’s a really rewarding and fulfilling experience.

The beautiful, sunny view in Trafalgar Square!

We hope you enjoyed reading this post and got to know us a little bit better.

We’d love to know if you’ve had a similar experience – did you also meet a friend through blogging?

Let us know in the comments below.