5 Things I’m Grateful For This September (2020)

Here’s my monthly gratitude reflection!

Meeting Friends

At the end of every month, I write in my journal how I feel about the month just gone – what went well, what didn’t, but also what I want to achieve in the next month. At the end of August, I set out to make more social plans in September because, now that I’m working from home, it’s easy to get into the habit of just following a routine and forgetting to leave the house!

I’m so glad I set out this intention because, in true law of attraction fashion, I had a few friends reach out to me and I organised meet ups with friends I hadn’t seen in ages! It meant that I had something to look forward to in the evenings and at the weekend, whether that was going out or simply video calling a friend!

Trying Something New

This is something I try to do every month, because it’s always great to extend your capacity to do things! However, this month, I did some particularly unexpected new things. One of these was embracing a life without cow’s milk – sounds a lot more dramatic than it was! I’ve now replaced cow’s milk with oat milk and have been trying out lots of meals with this new variation. Turns out having oats milk in macaroni cheese tastes exactly the same. And the same for porridge too!

I also baked French baguettes with my Dad a couple weeks ago! We watched Youtube videos on how to perfect the kneading technique and then gave it our best shot! It was something different to try on the weekend, and it’s so easy to get lost in the cooking that the time just flies by!

My Cats

Although my cats can sometimes be a little distracting, it’s really nice having them around during the day when I’m working! Jasper has already introduced himself to the team with his super loud purring, and I love going downstairs at the end of the day to be greeted by Monty’s loving enthusiasm!

Having Lunch with Mum

Sometimes, when working from home, it’s easy to get sucked into the laptop screen and forget to make time for in-person contact. Luckily, my Mum and I have had our lunches this month at the same time during the day, despite our different schedules. I’m really grateful that we can have that time to chat, recharge and motivate each other for the rest of the day!

New TV Shows

I’m sure I’m not the only one who was excited about The Great British Bake Off coming back to TV this month! It’s such a homely and inspiring show that I always find perfect for relaxing in the evening.

I also started watching the TV series of Little Fires Everywhere, which I read the book of a couple months ago – check out my book review here! Although it took me a while to make adjustments between the in-my-head version of the characters and those on screen, I’m now really enjoying seeing one of my favourite books brought to life! So far, it’s stayed very faithful to the book.

Monty being his usual cute self!

What are you grateful for this month?

Let me know in the comments below!

You can find me on social media here:

Instagram: @mymindspeaksaloud

Twitter: @mindspeaksaloud

6 thoughts on “5 Things I’m Grateful For This September (2020)

  1. Love this concept! It’s so important to find things to be grateful for πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
    I still need to watch Little Fires Everywhere. I’ll have to watch that next.

    – B πŸ˜ŠπŸŒΏπŸ’•

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